
"Caranguejo overdrive" by Aquela cia. premieres at Rivoli on 12th June

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Brazilian theatre company, Aquela cia., premieres performance "Caranguejo overdrive" on June 12th, in the context of the Fitei 2018, the International Festival of Theatre of the Iberian Peninsula.

This performance intertwines theatre and literature expression as an artistic form of launching the debate on Brazilian society nowadays, especially in Rio de Janeiro.

A former crab-catcher, Cosme, was sent to the battlefield in the War of Paraguai the mid-19th century. While at war, he goes mad and returns to his city, but now Rio de Janeiro seems a completely strange place. He tries to build his own inner city, in order to fight his feeling of exile.

This show is based on the artistic movement by manguebeat, by Chico Science, and also on Josué de Castro - Geografia da Fome and Homens e Caranguejos.

See here for more information.