
"Trees" by sculptor Alberto Carneiro planted at São Domingos Square in Porto

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The sculptural set, titled "Três metáforas de árvores para uma árvore verdadeira" [Three methaphors of trees for a real tree"], created by sculptor Alberto Carneiro and "planted" at the São Domingos Square.

This set will be part of the Map of Public Art, which will also be available in English soon.
The granite trees and a real olive tree are implanted in two flowerbeds edgings and make the garden pictured by the sculptor Alberto Carneiro, who passed away last year, for that site.  

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira officially inaugurated the "garden" on May 12th, which can be enjoyed by everyone going there.

It should be mentioned that Porto's Councillor for Culture, Paulo Cunha e Silva, who passed away in late 2015, had expressed his intention of embellishing the city of Porto with an artwork by the sculptor Alberto Carneiro.

Glad for the realisation of that wish was Rui Moreira, who emphasised that "not even the difficulties encountered in the deployment of the sculptural set prevented this from happening".

The three granite trees have 5, 6 and 7 meters high slim trunks, with the following inscriptions: "Vida" [Life] and "Arte" [Art], recurring themes in the work of Alberto Carneiro. The treetops overlap, longish and stylized, highlighting the verticality of the site.