
A mobility App worth up to 30 thousand euros

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February 16th is the end date for the entry period of the technological competition launched by the European project EMBERS, in the field of mobility.

This initiative encompasses the adoption of "smart city" project applications responding to specific challenges within three cities, one of which is Porto.
The most innovative and effective project will be granted 30 thousand euros. 

Smart Parking is the challenge concerning Porto and applicants (programmers, developers, and software development companies) should submit a mobile application regarding car parking, aimed at making life easier for citizens.

See here for more info on this App.

Besides Porto, the mobility challenges lead to the cities of Cologne (Germany) and Trikala (Greece).

The EMBERS project is financed by the European Commission and it is coordinated by a team from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, in Paris.

The project's fundamental goal is the development of mobility solutions in Smart Cities.