
Another 16 tons of goods left Porto towards the Polish-Ukrainian border

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Another load of solidarity has left Porto for the Ukrainian People. This Tuesday evening, the fourth truck of goods collected at part of the “We are all Ukraine” campaign left with 16 tons on board.

This is the first transport that has the support by Centromarca and left yesterday, at 6 pm, from the headquarters of Batalhão dos Sapadores Bombeiros. The truck’s load is identical to the previous one, 16 tons, and will go to the Polish-Ukrainian border. On board are medicines, non-perishable food, clothing and other articles donated by the solidarity of Porto inhabitants, for the Ukrainian people, who since February 24 saw their daily lives transformed by the Russian Invasion.

The “We are all Ukraine” campaign, promoted by the municipalities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia and Matosinhos, aims coordinate responses and organize events to help the Ukrainian people. There is a website available ( and a helpline, with the number 222 090 420, where it is possible to check the areas in which the community can join this action, namely: collection of goods, reception of refugees, job and services exchanges.
In the first two weeks, this campaign raised 1.104 offers for accommodation and sent 90 tons of donations.