
Barack Obama will discuss climate change in Porto

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The city of Porto will play host to the first phase of a global movement aimed at finding environmental solutions and mitigating climate change.

The kick off happens on July 6th, with the first Climate Change Leadership Conference, which will take place at Coliseu Porto Ageas. This event is jointly organised by Porto City Hall.

The excellence of speakers includes former US President and Nobel Peace Prize Barack Obama, Mohan Munasinghe, also Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Irina Bokova, former Director General at UNESCO.

During the Press Conference hosted by the organisation and partners of the "Climate Change Leadership Porto Summit 2018", councillor for Economy, Tourism and Trade at Porto City Hall, Ricardo Valente, declared that this is "a powerful affirmation from the city of Porto", with the direct impact of this initiative and the welcoming of first line speakers.

Ricardo Valente reaffirmed the municipality's availability to "support events that boost Porto as a centre of strategic thinking, creativity and leadership in the context of the sustainable economy."

This first "Climate Change Leadership Porto Summit 2018", will include the signing of Porto Protocol, "a commitment for the future" and a "call for action" as well, as stated by Adrian Bridge, from Taylor's Port and Porto representative at the Advanced Leadership Foundation.

Adrian Bridge highlighted the significant support by Porto City Hall and Mayor Rui Moreira in this important project.

Jorge Brown, from the Advanced Leadership Foundation, pointed out that the coming of former US President Barack Obama is a formal recognition of the relevant work the city of Porto and the Wine Industry have been developing regarding the environment.

Barack Obama travels to the European continent about four times a year. It is not by chance that he has decided to take part in this event in Porto. "He is glad he will be here", Mr. Brown stated.

And so are we, in Porto, Mr. Barack Obama, Sir.

See here the full programme of the conference.