
Bus travel in Porto Metropolitan Area during the novel coronavirus pandemic

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Starting today, 4th May, STCP - The Society of Collective Transports of Porto implements new rules regarding passenger transport. Thus, ticket validation is mandatory, route service is adjusted to 95% of the company's capacity and passengers must use a mask. Vehicles will be disinfected throughout the day as well. Bus drivers also use masks and visors.

Now that the Emergency State is over, the return to normalcy is phased. Portugal is in the Calamity Situation as of today and people will look for public transportation in greater numbers. STCP will strengthen supply to meet demand increase.

The so-called "School Holidays" timetable will be in place till August, which means there will be 95% supply of the normal routes and total supply of Saturday, Sunday and Holiday routes.

Out of the 70 STCP bus lines, 33 are running under the "Normal" timetable and only 37 have adopted the "School Holidays" timetable.

With these measures, the company believes it is possible to "respect guidelines regarding maximum passenger capacity for each trip while ensuring least rick of contagion of the new coronavirus for both passengers and drivers" as read in a statement by the company.

Ticket sale and ticket validation will resume on 4th May, in line with what was issued by Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP). Also, passengers can board by the front door.

The Andante ticket type is a card that can be recharged in ATM's, as usual, or using Payshop, or even in the Andante machines or stores.

The ANDA app is also recommended because it avoids people waiting in queues and contact with any material.

Ticket sale on board the bus will only be accepted whenever passengers pay the exact amount, as it isn't allowed to give change. Each ticket purchased on board costs €2, 00 and it is valid only for thatthat trip. Bus drivers will have to wear masks and visors, as well as sanitiser gel.

These measures are intended to make it easier for drivers and commuters to maintain a safe distance from one another and prevent the Covid-19 contagion.