
Circolando celebratory year unfolds into "20.20" at Teatro Carlos Alberto in Porto, starting today

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The collective Circolando was founded by André Braga and Cláudia Figueiredo in 1999, on St. Martin's day, 11th November. So, last November "marked the start of the celebratory year - 2020 - which has been compromised by the ongoing pandemic", as stated to Porto. by Circolando.

The performance to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Collective was scheduled to inaugurate in April. However, the ongoing pandemic "compromised the entire agenda".

So, this 3rd September, Artistic Directors André Braga and Cláudia Figueiredo launch the challenge: the performance "20.20" takes to the stage at Teatro Carlos Alberto, "marking 20 years of existence, of partying, perspiration, and fragments and memories, which overflow from the bodies on stage", as stated to Lusa by André Braga.

André Braga, artistic creator and performer, also explains that "this is not what we would premiere, as we have altered some things as a result of thought and distance".

Braga furthers that "the show features five performers on stage, among collaborators, some old some new members, in a dialogue between each physical body, music and lights".

The performance will then circulate to Lisbon, namely the partner entity São Luiz Municipal Theatre, as well as the Teatro Aveirense. And, in November, "we will head to the São Francisco Convent, in Coimbra", explained the Circolando Production to Porto.

The performance takes to the stage, today, 3rd September, at Teatro Carlos Alberto in Porto and will be on show till 6th September.

Circolando can be defined as a structure that deals with trans-disciplinary areas, namely cinema, dance and theatre, especially in-between theatre and dance.

André Braga was born in Porto in 1973. He's a theatre director, choreographer, stage designer and also a performer. He holds a degree in Sports and Physical Education at the University of Porto and has attended the National Circus School in Paris. At present, he is a researcher and devotes to personal training in dance, theatre and visual arts in Portugal, Paris, Madrid, Orleans and Vienna. André created Circolando in 1999, where he takes on the artistic direction.

Cláudia Figueiredo was born in Porto in 1974. She holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Porto, as well as a Master and a PhD degree in sociology at the University of Coimbra. After a short period as a researcher and editorial coordinator, Cláudia shares the artistic direction of Circolando with André, also working as a project designer and dramatist.
