
Concerts in the Avenida dos Aliados return in September

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Miguel Nogueira

The "Concertos na Avenida" (Concerts in the Avenida dos Aliados) return to the city of Porto on 8 and 9 September, featuring a programme ranging from rock to a symphonic repertoire. 

Friday night, 8th September presents Mão Morta and Remix Ensemble Casa da Música on stage, starting at 10 pm. This Portuguese alternative rock band will revisit old hit songs such as "Facas em Sangue", "Berlim", "Destilo ódio" or the most recent songs "Pássaros a esvoaçar", "Tiago Capitão" and "Hipnose de Suicídio".

Saturday, 9th September, the Porto Music Conservatory Symphonic Orchestra creates a unique show that includes memorable symphonic music pieces under Baldur Brönnimann's direction.

This performance combines the high energy of can can with Star Wars epic tune, suggesting sound environments consistent with the Italian opera or The Nutcracker ballet, the Broadway musicals or the old jazz, and also the Latin music and the dance of Joly Braga Santos.

As usual, the Concerts in the Avenue are access free.