
Cultura em Expansão offers a game changer cinema session in Campanhã

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The Military Headquarter of Bela Vista, in the Park São Roque da Lameira, features two free cinema sessions, on 18th October, at 9.30pm. Entrance is free (subject to prior ticket collection - max 2 per person - on site, within two hours before the beginning of the show and subject to room availability).

The films to be screened are a short film by Edgar Pêra, jointly presented with the Instituto Moderno do Porto, Invicta Film. It is a documentary of the country in 1916 and it is accompanied with live music by the GNR Band.

The second film to be screened is "Douro, Faina Fluvial", a 1931 film by Manoel de Oliveira, with live music by Ana Deus and Luca Argel.

Concurrently, the "Cultura em Expansão" also presents the "Campanhã é a minha casa" ["Campanhã is my home", free translation] project, which aims at getting the local community engaged in the big screen, establishing outdoor movie theatres and picturing how would it be for the parish of Campanhã to be the set of a film.

Despite the important link between the city and the origin of the national film making, Campanhã never had a cinema theatre nor was a "site movie". But the fact remains that the history of Portuguese Cinema started in Porto, in 1896, when Aurélio da Paz dos Reis, a pioneer in the filming art in Portugal, directed his first film: "Saída do Pessoal Operário da Fábrica Confiança" ["Workers Leaving The Confiança Factory", free translation], in the street of Santa Catarina.

The starting point to this project are three private archive collections by families in campanhã that gave rise to three short films by three directors. These short films will take to the screen in the beginning of each of the sessions mentioned above. These films are testimonies of intimate memories that transcend the documentary or the fiction categories and help bridge the gap between the eastern part of town and Cinema, as "Campanhã can be a film, a cinema room, it can be whatever it wants, we are at home", as stated by the "Campanhã é a minha casa!" project.