
Dance first. Think later. It is the natural order at PALLCO

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First Performing Arts School & Conservatory in Porto- PALLCO provides global professional training experience to pupils and welcomes international students through International Exchanges.

PALLCO opens tomorrow in Porto. It is located in Boavista in front of Maria Lamas High School. The conservatory is directed by Sofia Marques dos Santos, founder of Oporto Ballet School and represents 2400m² of quality training in the fields of dance, music and musical theatre.

"With this elite conditions of education and training, PALLCO has the favourable conditions for attracting foreign students into the city as never-before-possible", says Sofia Marques dos Santos, both ballet dancer and a dance teacher who states that "it is possible to win international recognition and build important partnerships", and thus organise major cultural and artistic events in Porto.

The school director also highlights that Pallco enjoys educational autonomy under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education. "It is more than a school of arts" as it provides students complementary services such as physiotherapy, nutrition, mind coach, podiatry and school Support.

Besides, there are additional activities that include Open classes, Core TRX, Cross Power, Best Age, Nordic Training, Tai Chi, Pilates, Body & Mind, Salsa Fit, Salsa Senior Ladies, and Rhythms from Latin America, Ballet Fit, Adult Contemporary Dance and Kids.

This new project opens April 19 and it is the first Performing Arts School & Conservatory in Porto.


Travessa da Prelada, 516

4250 - 380 Porto

+351 93 374 93 36

+351 22 606 20 57