
Days of the Dance Festival 2020 is cancelled. Next edition is in 2021

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Miguel Nogueira

The municipalities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia and Matosinhos have decided to cancel this year's edition of DDD - Festival Days of the Dance.


"In view of the pandemic declared by the WHO and in line with the recent measures adopted by the Government of Portugal to fight CoVid-19, Porto City Hall/Municipal Theatre of Porto, Matosinhos City Hall and Vila Nova de Gaia City Hall have decided to cancel the 5th edition of DDD- Festival Days of the Dance, which was scheduled to happen between 18th April and 3rd May.

This decision was taken together with the festival's organizers and partners and it is based on the current situation we are all living - and will still live for the near future - an exception situation, in which the most relevant priority is the safety of populations.

Besides safety issues, the more recent measures to fight Covid-19 have raised logistic obstacles, such as travel arrangements from Italy, Germany, South Korea , Philippines and other cities; and even the closure of local facilities that were to host artists for the coming weeks.

The 5th DDD - Days of the Dance had programmed over 20 national and international performances, to be presented in theatres and auditoriums all over Porto, Matosinhos, Gaia, Coimbra and Viana do Castelo, besides the initiatives in public spaces, the Programmers' Week and a large number of initiatives under the parallel programme, featuring workshops, conferences and parties.

The festival's organisation will do its best, in collaboration with artists an companies - to make sure that the activities that had been prepared can be featured in the DDD- Days of the Dance Festival in 2021.

In addition, the festival's organisation declares it is deeply committed to honouring, as far as it is possible, the commitments made and costs, if any, till now, by the companies and artists affected by this cancelling of this year's edition of the DDD.

The next edition of DDD - Festival Days of the Dance is scheduled to happen between 17th April and 2nd May 2021."