
Don't miss the Vivarium Festival event at the Rectory of the UP

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Filipa Brito

The Vivarium Festival is in town for this week to debate the boundaries between the living and the artificial. Such event will take place at the Rectory of Porto, on 30 march, at 2pm and will gather renowned experts in the matter, namely Charles Travis, Jean-Claude Dumoncel, Catarina Pombo Nabais, João Ribas or Francisco C. Santos, mediated by Sofia Miguens. Entry is free.

The theme of the conference is "Criar Conceitos - Seguir Regras: Um diálogo improvável entre Deleuze e Wittgenstein" ["Create Concepts - Follow Rules: an unlikely dialogue between Deleuze and Wittgenstein", free translation].

This will be the starting point on a debate about "the matches and mismatches between natural and artificial intelligence", in the context of the Vivarium Festival Programming.

Following the debate there will be a round table and the audience is free to intervene.

About the Vivarium Festival

The second edition of the Vivarium festival, organised by the Association Saco Azul and by Maus Hábitos, takes place from 28 to 30 March, in the city of Porto.

This year's topic is "Natural Intelligence, What AI still can't do?", a clear reference to the book by Hubert L. Dreyfus "What Computers Still Can't Do, A Critique Of Artificial Reason".