
Dorothée Munyaneza reports on sexual violence used as a Tool of War

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Christophe Raynaud de Lage

For centuries, sexual violence in conflict was tacitly accepted as unavoidable, but Dorothée Munyaneza thinks differently. The artist will perform "Unwanted" at Rivoli, on 1 February, at Campo Alegre Theatre, starting at 9 pm.

The British-Rwandan singer, actress, dancer and choreographer has produced two performance pieces, "Samedi Détente" and "Unwanted", both about the Rwandan genocide to report the accounts of the genocide survivors.

Dorothée Munyaneza interviewed war zones sexual violence victims, and told the story of traumatised children, born out of this rape crime and tear up women, stigmatised by society. Victims that are treated as perpetrators. "Unwanted" is the account of those feelings and those circumstances.

Dorothée Munyaneza, who worked on the sound track for the Hotel Rwanda film, was born in Rwanda, in 1982. She left Kigali in 1994, at the age of 12, and settled in England with her parents. After taking on British nationality, she studied music, and it allowed her to perpetuate the memory of individual and collective bodies in the lyrics of her songs.

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