
Eat fish properly in Bolhão Temporary Market today

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Bolhão temporary Market hosts showcooking event "Carapau é boa onda" ["Yummy Mackerel", free translation], at 11am, on 27 September. Entrance is free, as usual.

And did you know that current fishing pressure indicators appear to have little effect on stock size or age structure? So, it is safe to say that we can eat horse-mackerel with a clean conscience.

Current fishing pressure seems to have little effect on stock size or age structure, so we can also eat them with a completely clean conscience. Mackerel is an important food fish that is consumed worldwide. As an oily fish, it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.

The "Carapau é boa onda" is a national project promoted by Docapesca and the Ministry of the Sea, guided by Isabel Sousa, who will prepare delicious mackerel dishes, at Bolhão Temporary Market, promoter of fresh products of premium quality.

Last Saturday, the ACE School of Arts delivered a musical workshop. Take a peek!