
Endoenças Procession revives ancient tradition at Porto Historic Centre on March 28

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Misericórdia do Porto_procissão_endoenças_2017.jpg

The Procession of the Endoenças or Maundy Thursday is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter.

This expression is not widely acknowledged, it depends on geographic distribution or religious affiliation.

Other accepted expressions are Holy Thursday, Covenant Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, Sheer Thursday, and Thursday of Mysteries, among other names.

This specific Thursday celebrates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical gospels. This meal is the last time Jesus spends with his disciples and tells them what is to happen.

Most scholars agree that the English word maundy in that name for the day is derived through Middle English and Old French mandé, from the Latin mandatum (also the origin of the English word "mandate"), the first word of the phrase "Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos" ("A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.")

This is the second time that the Misericórdia do Porto, jointly with Cabido Portucalense, organises this ancient procession, which will take place at Porto Historic Centre, on March 28, starting at 9 pm. It should last for about 2 hours. It departs from the São Domingos Plaza and it will end at Terreiro da Sé.

This event is supported by Porto City Hall.

This ancient tradition is thus revived through performing arts by the Theatre Company Dogma12.