
Exercise and stress management in Campanhã twice a month

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Feeling that you need that little incentive to get back to shape, building a new self, energised and in high spirit? You are knocking at the right door!

Porto City Hall programme "Domingos em Forma" ["Fit Sundays", free translation] provides stress relive activities so as to promote physical exercise and healthy life habits.

This municipal programme is supported by Porto Lazer and it starts on 6 January. This is the continuation of the "Porto Antistress" programme and it will happen twice a month, on the first and third Sunday of each month, in Campanhã, between 10 am and 11 am.

All activities are planned and monitored by Physical Education professionals and supported by health technicians.

Participation is always free and prior registration is not required. Just show up on time, with comfortable clothes and shoes.

On session days, PortoLazer provides free transport service from Porto-Campanhã train station to the Pavilion, according to the following timetable:

- Station-Pavilion: 9.20 am and 9.50 am

- Pavilion-Station: 11 am