
Faculty of Engineering assesses social impact of technology at Talk A Bit

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Miguel Nogueira

The Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (FEUP) hosts the Talk A Bit initiative, on 20 January to debate the impact of technology on society.

This is the 6th edition of this event, organised by final-year students of the Computer and Engineering Software degree. The talk A Bit is a non-profit technology conference, which has been thriving since its inception in 2013.

On 20 January, the morning will be devoted to presentations, a local initiative by students of the Faculty of Engineering, a session on project development focused at institutions with a social positive impact. Concurrently, there will be three workshops on IT platforms and programmes.

Saturday afternoon, participants will be offered a discussion forum on the social impact of technology, addressing topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles always with a focus on the social impact of such technologies. The event will close with a networking dinner.

Entrance is free but prior registration is required.

See here for more information.