
Five centuries after the date of the Royal Chart granted to Porto by King D. Manuel I

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The exhibition themed "THE ROYAL CHART OF PORTO. 1517-2017. MARK OF A KING, IMAGE OF A CITY", marks five centuries after the date of the Royal Chart given to Porto by King D. Manuel I, which bestowed privileges to the citizens of the municipality of Porto, in 20 June 1517.

This Royal decree allowed the creation of a municipal government, separate from feudal domain and directly dependent on the king.

This exhibit is featured in the scope of the celebration of the Day of Portugal, annually held on 10th June, and it is shown at casa do Infante, from Tuesday to Sunday, between 9.30 am and 12.30 am and between 2 pm and 5 pm.

The exhibition will be on display until the end of the year and closes on official holidays.