
Future of Computing Conference in Porto, from 25 to 29 June unveils the world fifty years from now

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Miguel Nogueira

How will computers be like in 2068? In fifty years' time, what will be the basic technologies regarding computer science? What will the decisive factors be regarding its implementation?

Will it be possible to transcend human bodies and live entirely in the cloud?

Fascinating answers to these and other questions and queries will be provided and analysed at the Future of Computing Conference, the largest of its type ever to be hosted in Portugal and running from 25 to 29 June at the Faculty of Fine Arts in UP - University of Porto.

This event is organised by UPTEC - Technology Park of the University of Porto, and it will gather experts from different nationalities who will discuss the state of the art in a number of areas of computing.

The conference will bring together speakers from Microsoft and the Swiss National Supercomputing Center, as well as experts from the academic milieu, namely the University of Zurich (Switzerland), Jena and Heidelberg (Germany), Delft (The Netherlands), Porto and Lisboa, and many other.

Quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, Photonics, chemistry and biological computing are key issues in the debate.

The conference will foster links between researchers and the industry. 

Potential participants shall submit an application that will be reviewed by the organisation. 

See here for more information.