
Harmos Festival features concerts and masterclasses on Classical Chamber Music

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The city of Porto hosts the Harmos Festival, which kicks-off on March 20, featuring several concerts and lectures, and gathering the best students of the worlds' most renowned music schools.

Porto celebrates Chamber music that is also known as "the music of friends" due to its intimate nature.

The opening concert will be presented by the Accendo Quartet, of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama of London, which is scheduled to start at 7 pm on March 20 at the main Hall of Porto City Hall.

This event is entrance free.

The Festival also marks its 12th anniversary, a unique festival that is organised by ESMAE - Institute of Music and Performing Arts of Porto Polytechnic Institute and supported by Porto City Hall.

The Harmos Festival is entirely devoted to this type of classical music- Chamber Music- and it will be presented at several venues, namely Casa da Música, Casa do Infante, the Palace of Viscondes de Balsemão, the ESMAE and the Rectory of Porto University.

The festival's programme also includes the "cidades Harmos" [Harmos Cities] initiative and travels to Barcelos, Braga and Santa Maria da Feira, in order to increase the festival coverage.

Till the 24 March, there will be master classes and commented concerts. It is worth spotlighting the conference "ICMuC 2018 - Chamber Music in the 21st century: new perspectives and challenges", whose fundamental goal is to discuss the role of music in an educational context.
