
IETM Spring Plenary Meeting in Porto in April

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Porto hosts the largest international event for performing arts professionals. The IETM Spring Plenary Meeting will take place in Porto, from 26 to 29 April, in several locations in Porto, namely Porto Municipal Theatre, São João National Theatre/Monastery of São Bento da Vitória, the Rectory of the University of Porto, the Portuguese Photography Centre and the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão.

This event will promote cultural debate and networking at a global level in Porto, a city with a strong cultural scene, internationally acknowledged, with dynamic representatives and an ever-present audience, which enhances the city's cultural strategy.

According to the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, "we see this project as an evident opportunity to clearly position the city of Porto in the artistic scene in Europe and throughout the world".

Over 700 participants are expected to take part in this Plenary Meeting from all over the world.

For four days, Porto will become the World centre of performing arts.

See here for more information.