
Improvement works get underway in Clérigos Tower

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Filipa Brito

The Clérigos Tower and Museum will close to public access till 31st January as improvement works get underway. In 2021, the landmark monument in Porto will be restored to the city in all its splendour and with new contents to discover.

The first rehabilitation and restauration works took place in 2014, and this is the time, again, for a short period of closed doors so that “tour circuits and itineraries are improved, comfort wise, as well”, as stated by the Brotherhood of Clérigos, in a press release.

And given the fact that these are times with fewer tourism movement, both the Clérigos Tower and Museum are closed to public access between 1st December 2020 and 31st January 2021. The Clérigos Church remains with open doors, between 9.30am and 5.30pm.

"Now it’s time to prepare for the demands of the post-pandemic, hoping that a sector that has contributed thus much for the country’s prestige recovers. In 2021, we will restore to the residents of Porto and to all visitors, the landmark monument of Porto in all its splendour, with an improved quality in the visit experience, comfort and safety, and new contents to explore”, the press release further stated.