
It´s time to turn over a new leaf in Serralves Foundation with the Autumn Feast

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Filipa Brito

With October just around the corner, fall is already in the air! This also means that even if the sun isn't as warm, it still shines to give way to outdoor activities and Serralves Foundation is ready to receive the new season, by celebrating the also known as the harvest season with two full days.

The 11th edition of "Festa do Outono" is back, on 28th and 29th September in Serralves, Porto, starting at 10am, on 28 September in the rural area and featuring circa 20 workshops and activities for all generations and with no need of prior registration. Entrance is free.

The Autumn Feast brings music, dance and theatre performances, workshops, or pedestrian tracks to discover the fauna and flora of Serralves Park. Moreover, there will be innovative games and experiences that comprise a programme targeted mainly to families, but nonetheless open to all citizens who wish to revive ancient traditions and customs, this last weekend of September.

"This year, the novelty is the recently inaugurated 'treetop walk', which will be entrance free this last weekend of September", announced the President of the Serralves Foundation Board of Administration, Ana Pinho, in a press conference, highlighting that "this Feast is also a way of celebrating 30 years of Serralves and its park".

In the afternoon, at 2.45pm, the highlight is the musical performance "Balada das Vinte Meninas Friorentas", in the Barn, with voice acting by Margarida Mestre, who will recite a poem about "swallows and eggs". This show repeats on Sunday, 29 September, at 11.15am and at 2.30pm, at the same venue.

Also on 28 September, around 4.30pm, musician and composer Jorge Queijo delivers a solo performance on traditional Portuguese percussion instruments, such as tambourines and timbrels, at the Maria Nordman Garden.

It is worth mentioning the "O Baile das Coisas Importantes", by Teatro do Bolhão, with staging done by Joana Providência and text from Afonso Cruz. The play is brought to the stage on Saturday, 28 September, at Clareira da Presa, at forty five past noon and repeats at 4.30pm.

The programme also includes a concert by Gwenifer Raymond, who started performing at the age of eight. At 6.15pm, at the Maria Nordman Garden.

Serralves combines a variety of creative and educational events and a scenery of contemporary art and landscape, namely a Design Fair and Handicraft Market, so unique in this institution in the city of Porto.

Join the Festa do Outono [Autumn Feast], an entertainment for all, in the rural area of Serralves Farm, reviving old customs and traditions, amidst the autumnal biodiversity, cooking with seasonal products or leaning about wickerwork, basketry and handmade products.

The Serralves Park opens doors at 10 am and closes at 7 pm. Entrance is free from 28 to 29 September, between 10 am and 7 pm.

+info: see here the full programme of The Autumn Feast 2019.

See how the Feast went last year: