
Join in the "Days with Energy" this weekend in Porto

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Porto Municipal Programme now provides free municipal classes of Pilates, Yoga and Tai-Chi in three additional sites; as such, the initiative extends to the Social Centre of the Pasteleira Neighbourhood, the Espaço TODOS and the gym at the Lagarteiro Pavilion.

Participation in the sessions is free! Just show up with comfortable equipment, a Yoga or Pilates mat and take the opportunity to reboot from the hectic labour week.

This new agenda kicks off the first Saturday of March, which will include three new locations for these drop in classes, adding to the already provided free classes at the Municipal Pavilion Fontes Pereira de Melo.

The programme extension is promoted by the municipal Company Ágora - Cultura e Desporto, jointly with the Municipal Department for Social Cohesion, under the programme AIIA - Abordagem Integrada para a Inclusão Ativa- (Integrated Approach Towards Active Inclusion) and in the scope of the "Porto com Corpo&Alma" ["Porto with Body&Soul, free translation initiative.

This innovative project of Porto City Hall, supported by Portugal 2020, through the NORTH 2020 Operational Programme is aimed at encouraging physical activities and entertainment events among the most lacking communities in Porto.

Thus, three integrated venues in each of the three communities, prioritised within the AIIA Programme, host free "Days with Energy" activities, such as Yoga, Pilates and Tai-Chi.

The communities are located at Vale da Ribeira da Granja, Vale de Campanhã Norte and Vale de Campanhã Sul.

Sites and Timetables of the programme:

The following venues will provide two free classes, each Saturday, on a monthly basis, according to the timetable below:

> 1st, 4th, 5th Saturdays

9.30am - Pilates

11am - Yoga

> 2nd Saturday

9.30am - Tai chi

11am - Pilates

> 3rd Saturday

9.30am - Yoga

11am - Tai chi