
Local Government rose to the challenge of fighting the pandemic and forged a vital relationship with public health teams

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On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto (ISPUP), representatives of the six districts of the Region of the Greater porto, which was held on 14 July, gathered at the Noble Hall of the Rectory of the U.Porto to debate the “Local Power and Public Health”. In addition to handling the pandemic, all local representatives were tuned in the same issue: the vigour of scientific knowledge when drafting public policies.

Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira opened the debate enhancing the way ISPUP “has been an extraordinary partner”, by “helping this mission of improving public policies”. The Mayor of Porto illustrated examples of partnership between the Municipality of Porto and ISPUP, in such programmes as responses to solve homelessness in the city, in coordination with ISPUP president Henrique Barros, in the framework of the programme “Porto Cidade sem Sida” [“Porto, city without Aids”, free translation], and even in the scope of the Health Municipal Plan of Porto. Rui Moreira addressed the issue of the newest Programme of Supervised Consumption Rooms in Porto, which have recently been approved during the last Executive Meeting, and declared that “there are people who think that what we are doing is wrong and that we should sweep things under the carpet”, Rui Moreira affirmed about this programme.

As regards the pandemic, Rui Moreira affirmed that this crossing “does not bring a navigation chart and the compass does not work well”, and this is the reason why we should “honour public health”. The Mayor also compared this ongoing pandemic to the fight against the bubonic plague, about a century ago, in Porto, “when the measures that Ricardo Jorge sought to impose were not taken lightly”, but revealed effective later. “We need time to realise if what we have done was well done or not”, concludes Rui Moreira.

In turn, the Mayor of Matosinhos agreed and added that “not many moments will go down in History as having been this important as regards public health as this one”. Besides, Luísa Salgueiro stated that today “city halls are not only entities that grant construction permits”, recalling that it is important to coordinate public policies indicators and Municipal Master Plans. The Mayor of Gondomar declared that “the pandemic brought public health to the agenda”, as well as “enhancing the importance of a policy of proximity”.The Mayor of Maia stated, in turn, that “public health is now valued as one of the most important sectors in the health domain; António Silva Tiago recalled ISPUP’s role “as fundamental in the screening of the entire municipal and business range, thus boosting economic recovery” in the district.

Representing the Mayor of Vila Nova de Gaia, Councillor Elísio Ferreira Pinto spotlighted the importance of networking of both institutions and municipalities, which worked as a sort of “armed force” in the fight against the pandemic. The Mayor of Valongo concluded the debate stating that “we need to be humble and understand the importance of scientific knowledge to make the right decisions. A political decision-maker needs scientific knowledge, this is a crucial interaction”.

The session, which was moderated by Henrique Barros, president of ISPUP, was also attended by the councillor of Housing, Social Cohesion and Education, Fernando Paulo, the president of the ARS-Norte, Carlos Nunes, and the president of the Executive Board of the São João Hospital Centre, Fernando Araújo.

This programme also includes a webinar, to be held today, 15 July, to present the conclusions of the inquiry themed “Diários de uma Pandemia”.