
"Music & Revolution" and jazz are high on the Casa da Música programming this April, May and June.

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The cycle "Music & Revolution" is dedicated to the Hungarian Composer Györgi Ligeti (1923-2006), and the Spring ON! is devoted to the new values of jazz for the next three months.

The Cycle "Great Orchestra Songs" is a novelty this year, announced by the Artistic Director of Casa da Música, António Jorge Pacheco.

This Easter, Casa da Música features two "Stabat Mater", the first one by Dvórak, with the Symphonic Orchestra of Porto, the Choir and the Casa da Música Children's Choir, on 13 April, with the Portuguese Soprano Eduarda Melo as soloíst and the second with the in-house Baroque Orchestra with scores by Pergolesi, on 17 April and marking the debut of British countertenor Lestyn Davies.

The "Music & Revolution" Cycle is held from 27 to 30 April and presents concerts by the Symphonic, the Choir and the Remix Ensemble. One hundred mechanical devices, the metronomes will evoke the sounds of the conceptual oeuvre by Ligeti.

The Spring ON! Festival kicks-off in May with the new tendencies of jazz, with double performances by Portuguese and foreign musicians. On May 3rd, the composer, clarinettist and maestro Jorg Widmann goes on stage, to direct the music score by Mendelssohn, at 9pm.

The rite of spring also features the usual ECHO Rising Stars, with music performances chosen by the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO), of which Casa da Música is part of.

On 18 May, there will be a joint performance by the Symphonic and the Matosinhos Jazz Orchestra which features the debut in Portugal of the Erkki-Sven Tüür fifth symphony, and also the celebration of the birth of Helena Sá e Costa (1913-2006), as well as a two-day marathon of over 700 young pianists.

In June, the highlight is the "State of the Nation, with four concerts by young promising musicians" and the world premiere as a posthumous tribute of the Concert for Piano and Orchestra by Clotilde Rosa (1930-2017), on 8 June.

The three month programming includes dozens of concerts, as well as the return of the Orchestra Gulbenkian, for the first time with the Chief conductor, the Swiss Lorenzo Viotti, and the 6th edition of the International Prize Suggia/Casa da Música, by the end of June.