
One hedgehog and a hawk are returned to nature in the City Park of Porto

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Wild animals are safely released to their natural environment in Porto City Park. That was not the first time such a thing has occurred.

This time round, a hedgehog (an insectivore mammal with crepuscular habits) and a hawk (small bird of prey) were the animals that were returned to nature, as part of various release and reintroduction programmes, under the celebration of World Animal Day, on 4 October.

Both animals were nurtured and cared for at the Fauna Recovery Centre in the Biological Park of Gaia under a partnership between the municipalities of Porto and Gaia, aimed at making people aware and alert, especially youth, to the importance of nature preservation and biodiversity in the urban environment.

Under the existing partnership of release and reintroduction programmes, numerous wild animals have been returned to nature, including four small birds of prey - one kestrel (Falcus tinnunculus), two tawny owls (Strix aluco), one hawk (Accipiter nisus) and one nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus), as well as several mammals, namely some hedgehogs (Erinaceus europeus) and one geneta (Genetta genetta).

These animals are sent to the Biological Park Recovery Centre by any person and for several reasons (they may be hurt, lost or are orphans).

The moment the animals are returned to nature are, whenever possible, linked to theme days - such as Environment Day or World Animal Day - so as to catch the interest of the local community and the population at large to the importance of biodiversity conservation in an urban milieu.