
Photo Ark's last lectures take place at the Biodiversity Gallery on 21 and 22 April

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Filipa Brito

The exhibition "Photo Ark by Joel Sartore", sponsored by National Geographic, is on display at the Biodiversity Gallery - Living Science Centre till 29 April 2018.

Joel Sartore fulfils his life passion by documenting all endangered species in this ark. The reputed photographer and conservationist has devoted more than 30 years of his life to photographing wildlife in the farthest corners of the planet.

Sartore states that "the right time to act is now because there is still a lot to be done and if we all do our share there are a lot of disappearing species that can be saved and we can help balance the planet's biodiversity".

The Biodiversity Gallery hosts the last two lectures on this grand and unique enterprise; The first one takes place on Saturday, 21 April, starting at 6 pm, dealing with "From the Mabeco to the Giant Black Antelope, the conservation of species in sub-Saharan Africa", namely in Angola, the country where it is possible to find the largest diversity in biomes within the African continent.

The second session takes place on 22 April, at 6 pm and the topic under debate is "Agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem services", a lecture that will discuss the links between agriculture and biodiversity within the Mediterranean context.

These events are free of charge but subject to room capacity.

Photo Ark by Joel Sartore urges people to take action and save the planet. The display in Porto comprises 40 photos, infographics and videos of endangered species.

+ Info: Photo Ark - Galeria da Biodiversidade