
Pink Market is back to Edifício Transparente

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Any street market is an optimal choice to dive in the culture of a city. The Pink Market is no exception and it features fantastic stalls dedicated to art, to timeless gifts and it is imbued with a cosy and friendly atmosphere.

It is the perfect spot to stroll with family, friends and pets, next to the Praia Internacional do Porto, outside the Edifício Transparente, on 3 and 4 November.

The market is access free, and runs form 11 am to 6 pm.

The event is organised by the Pink Movement, jointly with the Edifício Transparente. Porto City Hall sponsors the event via PortoLazer.

Participant application to this Pink Market edition, as well as to the editions running on 1 and 2 December, or 8 and 9 December, can be completed at