
Politicians for a day takes kids to Porto City Hall

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The Municipal Assembly room was prepared to host the half and an inch politicians that met today at Porto City Hall with councilman in charge of Education, Fernando Paulo, in the context of the Municipal Programme "Porto de Crianças".

The main goal of this initiative is to increase knowledge of democratic processes and raise awareness of the individual's role, rights and obligations by encouraging young people to become more involved in politics.

The topics under debate were education, art and culture and the "members of Parliament" were elected by their peers at Montebello and Correios Elementary Schools.

In collaboration with the Councilman for Education and with a strong visual concept using the Municipal Assembly room, students experienced the life of a "Politician for one Day".

"We should enable these awareness actions so that children can be active citizens, especially in the future, so that they can participate in building their city", Councilman for Education stated.

"Youngsters deal with serious matters in a serious way", the official concluded.