
Porto fights trash-induced marine pollution

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Porto celebrates World Oceans Day next 8 June, and at 10am a group of volunteers will participate in a beach clean-up in the area to reduce litter, protect the waters and raise awareness on the importance of fighting marine litter.

Applications are open for all volunteers that wish to keep shores and coastlines cleaner. The motto of this initiative on 8 June at the Invicta is: "This is not only about collecting litter; we want to change attitudes and that change begins within every individual".

Evidence of humanity washing up is just about everywhere, with balloons, cigarette butts, and bits of plastic invading beaches and coastlines everywhere. If nothing is done to stop this manmade scourge, it is estimated that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans.

Be inspired by the numerous benefits of cleaning up your local beach and saving animals! Join this initiative promoted by Águas do Porto and Sealife.
Apply here!