
Porto Municipal Theatre challenges to celebrate International Children's Day as a family

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Filipa Brito

Porto Municipal Theatre invites families to draw and/or write a story, featuring the Paralelo characters, under the Performing Arts Programme of Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP's PARALELO). 

Our daily lives have been shaped by the current pandemic and, as such, a new normal has to be prepared. The way we interact and work as well. But, while face to face interactions are not quite possible, TMP challenges families to continue this "possible dialogue" through art and imagination.

On 1st June, PARALELO invites families to choose their favourite characters (there is a dog, a cat, a mermaid, just to mention a few), establish your setting (house, garden, etc.) and create an original narrative.

To participate, jut share the photo of the story created among the family (drawing or text) on Facebook and/or Instagram, with the hashtag #TMPDesafioEmFamilia, till 29th May.

Stories will be released during International Children's Day, on 1st June, on TMP's social media.

See regulation HERE.

Note: Participants declare that by publishing photographs with the hashtag #TMPDesafioemFamilia they are authoring Porto Municipal Theatre to use the image, upon release on TMP's Facebook and Instagram, and that right to remuneration is therefore excluded.