
Porto provides HIV/AIDS testing free of cost in both a mobile and a stationary unit

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Filipa Brito

The HIV/AIDS screening actions are carried out by the Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH/SIDA do Porto (CAD VIH/SIDA Porto), which is the Counselling Centre for the earlier diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, both within its mobile unit and in the stationary unit. Know where the mobile unit will be this month of December, in Porto.

This activity by the CAD VIH/SIDA Porto is held under the action plan of the Municipality of Porto themed "Porto, Cidade Sem Sida" ["Porto, City without Aids", free translation]. Its main goal is to provide the suitable answers to local needs, thus helping to meet the strategy 90-90-90 goals set by the Municipality in May 2019, which means that 90% of the people living with AIDS know that they are infected, 90% of the people who are infected receive treatment and 90% of the people being treated have the infection under control.

The CAD VIH/SIDA Porto features monthly planning regarding HIV/AIDS screening actions, in various locations in Porto. The unit operates every working day and the locations, dates and schedules are available in an agenda (see attached).

The work is developed by a team of experienced health professionals and anonymity and discretion are guaranteed. There is no need for previous registration, as the unit works in a first come first served basis.

Concurrently to the screening carried out by the mobile unit, CAD VIH/SIDA Porto also keeps its stationary unit, which is temporarily located at the Rua da Constituição, n. 199. Here, there is the need for previous appointment, via the phone numbers 220 412 250, 961 314 380, or email

The operating hours at the stationary unit are from Monday to Friday, between 10am and 6pm.

Recently, the Municipality of Porto launched the HIV/AIDS Oriented Guide, braille version, following the first version in Portuguese, which already features its English equivalent.