
Porto signs Florence Declaration for dialogue, inclusion, cooperation and peace

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Florence Mediterranean Mayors' Forum

More than 60 cities, representing over 20 countries, attended the Florence Mediterranean Mayors’ Forum, held in Florence. Councilman Ricardo Valente represented Porto in the Italian city and subscribed, on behalf of the Invicta, the declaration that resulted from the forum, where the mayors called to dialogue, inclusion, cooperation and peace.

The meeting took place at the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence’s City Hall and brought together not only the Mediterranean coastal cities, but also other cities that due to their proximity and historical ties, contribute to this dialogue, as is the case of Florence or Porto, the only Atlantic city present.

Between Friday and Sunday, this forum addresses several issues, such as cultural development and cooperation between Mediterranean cities; public health and social protection; environment and protection of water and energy resources, water pollution and the Mediterranean sea; and migrations along the Mediterranean Coasts.

In the end, the participants subscribed to the Florence Declaration, in which they call for a greater dialogue between national and local authorities and the involvement of municipalities in the decisions with future impact, as well as the promotion of initiatives to defend the dignity of migrants and build peace in all the Mediterranean countries.

Porto was represented at this event by the councilman for Finance, Economy and Employment and Tourism and Commerce, Ricardo Valente, who on Friday addressed the participants presenting some of the actions taken by the city regarding water use, the public transport fleet, the municipal fleet, or the Porto Climate Pact.

The forum was attended – both physically and online – by dozens of personalities, such as Romano Prodi, former president of the European Commission, António Vitorino, former European commissioner and current Chief Executive of the International Organization for Migration, the musician Sting, Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or Luciana Lamorgese, Italian Minister of the Interior.

The Florence Mediterranean Mayors’ Forum coincided with the annual “Mediterranean Border of Peace” meeting of the Italian Bishop’s Episcopal Conference and will continue afterwards with discussion among the Bishops of the Mediterranean Churches.

Ukraine support

The events in Ukraine marked the discussion at the forum, on the sidelines of which the councilman Ricardo Valente spoke to Italian daily La Repubblica. “The situation is not easy, we have to separate feelings from reason and understand how to support Ukraine, considering the legal aspects involved. Europe is very united politically, as we can see here in the forum, we are all on the same side, we are clearly against a brutal invasion that attacks the basic rights of democracy, of self-determination and the will of a people to be free”, he highlighted.

“That said, sanctions will be stronger than ever and I think Europe, for the first time, will stand firm in political values, even if it bears an economic impact”, Ricardo Valente added.