
Porto architecture studio SUMMARY chosen as finalist at international contest

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SUMMARY, an architecture studio from UPTEC - Scientific and Technologic Park from Porto University, has been chosen as finalist in the YAP MAXXI contest.

This initiative is jointly organised by MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, USA), by MAXXI (Museo nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, Italy) and the Future Architecture Platform.

The challenge is that emerging or leading architects create a temporary installation open to the public, outside MAXXI museum, the internationally acclaimed contemporary art museum designed by Zaha Hadid.

This installation is to be the space to host performances and exhibitions, with a special emphasis on issues such as sustainability, recycling and reusing materials.

The SUMMARY has developed the GOMOS project, an innovative modular system that enables concrete constructions in record time.

It takes three months for the modules to be previously manufactured in factories with outside and interior trims, and it takes three days to assembly them.

The work by the architecture studio in Porto will be on display from June to August this year at the MAXXI museum. This project had already integrated the main exhibition at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2016.