
Porto celebrates Freedom Day on 24 and 25 April

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Miguel Nogueira

Music, fireworks, traditional games, workshops and a Freedom Parade are some of the activities included in the 44th Anniversary Programme of the Carnation Revolution in Porto.

The 25 April marks the Carnation Revolution (Revolução dos Cravos in Portuguese), which overthrew the authoritarian regime of the Estado Novo, regarded as fascist in 1974.

The revolution started as a military coup organized by military officers of the Armed Forces Movement -MFA, who opposed the regime. However, the civil population adhered massively to the movement and the struggle for democracy and for that reason the regime's reaction was practically non-existent.

The Estado Novo was overthrown and Portugal withdrew from its African colonies.

This movement is called "Carnation Revolution" because almost no shots were fired (four people were killed) and the population took to the streets to commemorate the end of the dictatorship and war in the colonies, by putting carnations into the muzzles of rifles and on the uniforms of the army men.

Since 2016, Porto City Hall joins the celebration of Freedom Day by preparing an extensive programme of activities in the city, namely concerts, fireworks, homage to antifascist resistant and the traditional Parade for Freedom.

Celebrations start on 24 April, at 10 pm with a concert by Bezegol in Avenida dos Aliados.

On the 25 April, the commemorations begin at 10 am, at D. João I Square. The morning session will provide an opportunity for young people to explore traditional games and workshops devoted to the topic of revolution and freedom, among other activities.

See below the full programme of activities:

Tuesday, 24 April

Avenida dos Aliados

10 pm Concert by Bezegol; Choir of the Faculty of Arts from Porto University

Midnight  Fireworks

Wednesday, 25 April

D. João I Plaza

10 am Morning for Youth / Traditional games

Soares dos Reis Plaza

2 pm Homage to antifascist resistant at former-PIDE

2.30 pm Freedom Parade

Avenida dos Aliados

3 pm Caruma Concert

4 pm Concert by Pedro Mestre + Cante Alentejano