
Porto celebrates International Day for Monuments and Sites with guided tours and leisure trips on 18 April

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Porto City Hall has prepared free of charge guided tours and leisure trips to mark the International Day for Monuments and Sites on April 18.
These activities will take place throughout town. The first of this tours is themed "Trajeto: memória e valor" [Route: memoir and significance], planned to revisit places of heritage significance. 

This route will present the Charter of Heritage of the city as a mechanism devoted to the promotion of cultural assets, schedule to take place at 10 am at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão. The visit continues with an exhibition tour on heritage restoration on display at the Council Chambers at 11.30 pm. In the afternoon, at 2.30 pm, the field trip is to the archaeological place located in D. Hugo Street in the Chapel of Nossa Senhora das Verdades (picture above).

Participation is free but prior registration is required via email .

The second leisure trip is a guided tour to Casa do Infante, at 11 am. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know the history of this National Monument, place of birth of Henry the Navigator and Royal Customs House for centuries.

This event is participation free but limited to a maximum number of 20 people. Prior registration is mandatory.

More information via phone numbers 222 060 400 or 222 060 423 or on site at Rua da Alfândega, 10 or via email

Another activity featured at Casa do Infante is a session devoted to the Monastery of São Bento da Avé-Maria, starting at 2.30 pm. This session will unveil the life and stories of this monastery, built in the sixteenth century, by D. Manuel I. After its demolition, architect Marques da Silva designed it to be the train station of S. Bento.

Last but not least, Porto City Hall invites you to visit the "Circuito Patrimonial das Fontes Urbanas" [Patrimonial Tour to Urban Fountains], located in the woods and gardens of Nova Sintra, where the municipal company Águas do Porto is based. This tour will let you in a unique legacy regarding the history of the city of Porto.

Enrolment is limited to 25 participants and registration is free and via email .

This municipal programming is drafted in the framework of the 2018 theme for the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites, which is "Heritage for Generations".