
Porto holds the largest number of job placements in the country

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Miguel Nogueira

More than 20 specialised business services' suppliers or networks of companies (shared services) are currently operating in the city of Porto. As many as 2000 people have benefited from job placements and a career opportunity.

This information is provided by Recruitment Company Michael Paige Portugal. Thanks to the commitment of the municipality, the economy in Porto has posted record job placement, with a success rate of 82%.

This positive trend is bound to continue in 2017, due to the strengthened business capacity and entrepreneurial spirit in the city of Porto, which are drivers of competitiveness and economic growth in Portugal.

Michael Paige local official, Carlos Andrade, enhances the "great projects" in Porto, namely the new Tech Centre - Euronext that recently started operating in Porto.

Carlos Andrade added that "the current difficulty lies in recruiting specialised workers in the sector". This seems to be the needed solution to counteract the negative effects of the brain drain.

"Tourist trade and rehabilitation sector are the boom areas of the future", concluded Carlos Andrade.