
Porto hosts first Digital Literacy and Education Summit in November

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The 1st Literacy Summit takes place at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, between 1 and 3 November 2018 and its fundamental goal is to focus on literacy taking a much broader view by addressing technique, science and technology.

The event is organised by the European Literacy Network - ELN, developed by the COST programme - European Cooperation in Science & Technology.

The summit is aimed at researchers, psychologists, teachers, therapists, software developers, professionals in the field of literacy and non-profit organisations that will be able to share their best practices and findings at the 1st Literacy Summit.

Applications can be submitted till 19 March.

The ELN network enables cooperation between research communities and facilitates the process of knowledge sharing, whilst strengthening multidisciplinarity.

The goals are the development of an integrated and inclusive approach to functional literacy in Europe, the drafting of a comprehensive literacy policy framework and education in the digital world as well as breakthroughs of media literacy through technology.

Reports on digital literacy drafted by ELN are available here and the one regarding Portugal can be accessed here.