
Porto hosts symposium on promoting the rehabilitation and eco-efficiency of ancient buildings

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Miguel Nogueira

Environmental sustainability on urban regeneration will be the prominent issue at Casa do Infante, on March 22 and 23.

This is the first symposium to be held in the context of ENERPAT, the European project of co-creation of energetically efficient territorial solutions of Patrimonial Residential habitat and eco renovation in SUDOE historical centres, with the support of the Communitarian Initiative INTERREG III C - SUDOE.

Porto participates in this project, organised by Sites et Citès Remarquables de France, where many partners are involved, thus enhancing experience sharing in this domain.

The project's main goal is to find territorial solutions of Patrimonial Residential habitat in the fields of energy efficiency, construction, renovation and urban development, thus improving energy efficiency policies and the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings and housing through the implementation of networks and joint experimentation.

Participation in the symposium is free but prior registration is necessary. (HERE).

The first day of the event features a presentation of the ENERPAT project as well as a round table on the theme "Understanding Built Patrimony of historic city-centres for a sustainable rehabilitation". After, there will be field trips to public sector housing projects at Porto historic centre.

On the second day of the symposium, there will be a presentation of the ENERPAT methodology by the project's partners and also a round-table event on "commitment to act in favour of a sustainable rehabilitation of Built Patrimony: a strategy for revitalising the territory".

Porto City Hall is a partner in this European project as are the University of Porto, the ESAP, and the Regional Directorate of Culture in the North, the AICCOPN and the Municipal Company DomusSocial.

The participating cities in the ENERPAT project are Porto, from Portugal, Vitória, in Spain, and Cahors, in France, the city which is leading the project.