
Porto travels to the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2018

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Miguel Nogueira

Three architecture offices from the city of Porto are part of the Portuguese Official Representation at the Venice Biennale of Architecture, running from 26 May to 25 November, namely "i3S - Health Research and Innovation Institute - I3S - University of Porto", the "Molhes do Douro", from Architect Carlos Prata and the five temporary exhibition halls at the Fundação de Serralves Park.

These three offices are part of the group of 12 architecture examples that will represent Portugal in Venice as part of the official delegation, named "Public Without Rethoric". This mission is coordinated by architect Nuno Brandão Costa and curated by Sérgio Mah.

The 16th Venice Biennale of Architecture is themed "Freespace" and its fundamental goal is to have a positive impact on society by conveying a message focused on the "complex spacial nature of architecture".