
Porto will host Dante's Divine Comedy

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The programme "Dante in Porto" features a 3-sessions Cycle dedicated to "The Divine Comedy", by Dante Alighieri, from March to May, organised by the Associazione Socio-Culturale Italiana del Portogallo Dante Alighieri (ASCIPDA).

The programme includes poetry reading sessions, in Italian and in Portuguese, theatre performances, live music and painting seminars.

The first session of the cycle happens on 8 March at the Rectory of the University of Porto.

"The goal is to design a project that combines several arts and speeches under the connecting theme of Dante Alighieri's master piece - the Divina Commedia", declares ASCIPDA's President, Angelo Arena.

This cycle also includes the presentation of the poetic creation of Portuguese literature, the rhyme translation of the Divine Comedy by Vasco Graça Moura.

The following sessions of the "Dante in Porto" cycle will happen on 30 march, at the Portuguese Photography Centre, with a guided tour to the building featuring excerpts from the Purgatory. On 3 may, the Clérigos Church will offer "Dante's Paradise", and the Cycle's last session takes place on 17 May, with a lecture on aesthetics at the Museu Soares dos Reis, by Professor José Manuel Tedim, from the Portucalense University on the influences of Dante Alighieri on Figurative Arts.

The initiative "Dante in Porto" closes in the fall, at the ASCIPDA's Gallery, with an exhibition by the painter Agostinho Santos.

The cycle sessions are entrance free.

More information here.