
Porto will manage traffic flow through signal timing

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Em 2019 todos os moradores do Bairro do Aleixo serão realojados.

Miguel Nogueira

Porto City Hall will implement a state-of-the-art traffic signal management programme. The Municipal Executive is expected to endorse, next Tuesday, in a public session, the limited tender with prior qualification in international advertising, regarding the upgrading of traffic control.

Signal timing traffic management is a system where centrally-controlled traffic signals and sensors regulate the flow of traffic through the city in response to demand.

This improvement occurs after the establishment of the Centre for Integrated Management of Crisis in Porto in order to provide the municipality with the means needed for a rapid and effective response where appropriate.

The municipality has collected extensive information regarding expected traffic requirements and accessibility provision within the city, at a time when the upgrading and resurfacing of the main roads have also been nearly concluded.

This involves the investment of Euro 10 million over a period of 5 years in terms of improvement of traffic management systems (traffic lights); video surveillance; access control and signalling installations.

The structural difference between the current and the future system consists of the traffic controllers networking and implementation of new traffic management software (SWOFT) and migration of communications systems from traditional analogue technologies to digital IP.

Upgrading traffic control will promote increased safety - fewer traffic violations and accidents, as well as environment protection by pollution and fuel consumption reduction.

The Municipality of Porto is engaged in promoting the most cost-effective ways of keeping traffic moving smoothly and making streets safer. 

Traffic signal management can be defined as using improved tools, techniques, and equipment to make existing traffic signal control systems operate more efficiently.