
Portuguese Photography Center shares interesting facts and trivia

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The Portuguese Photography Center (CPF) shares interesting facts and trivia on the building and its collection. Did you know that the Library Pedro Miguel Frade, located at the Portuguese Photography Center (CPF), owns a copy of one of the first Portuguese books on the teaching of photography? Or that at Easter in 1875, the inmates of the former (aka old municipal prison) were granted permission to dine with their families in the corridors?

Visit the Portuguese Photography Center (CPF) and find out more trivia on this ancient old building in Porto and take this extraordinary opportunity to step back in time, under the #CPFactos project.

The goal is to present visitors "curious and unknown trivia on the Portuguese Photography Center (CPF)", as described on the site's Facebook page.

This project grants privileged access to the historic origins of the building, which acted as a prison between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. In fact, this was the prison where eminent personalities such as writer Camilo Castelo Branco or journalist and politician João Chagas were imprisoned and served their sentence.

Find out also oddities regarding the building's structure, namely trapdoors, the "Saleta" (small dining room) which was meant to accommodate upper class dames, or even facts and figures regarding the museum's collection, namely a rare set of old photographic cameras and old photographs as well.

Discover the hidden and almost unknown facts and trivia on this building in Porto and take the opportunity to visit both exhibition son show at the CPF, namely the exhibition "Jogo de Espelhos", a display that establishes a rapport between photography and the fragmented view of the city, till 13th September, and "Hollywood Icons: Fábrica de Estrelas", as et of 161 portraits of iconic movie stars, till 20th September.