
Portuguese Photography Centre celebrates the 120th anniversary of Casa Alvão

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Casa Alvão, an iconic establishment in the city of Porto, founded in Rua de Santa Catarina in 1901, celebrates its 120th anniversary. The Alvão Foundation collection, which covers three Portuguese political periods, namely the Monarchy, the Republic and the Estado Novo, was acquired by the Portuguese Photography Centre (CPF), which will mark the occasion with exhibitions, lectures and guided tours. On a monthly basis, the CPF offers insights on the Casa Alvão acquis on social media – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter –, and invites everyone to this virtual travel through the history of the centennial Casa Alvão.

In addition, on 19th August, the International Day of Photography, the CPF inaugurates an exhibition featuring images and some equipment of the Fundo Fotografia Alvão. The Casa Alvão acquis had been acquired by the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Patrimony (IPPC) in 1982; in 2001, it was purchased by the Portuguese Photography Centre (CPF). In the meantime, it was temporarily housed in the Soares dos Reis National Museum, where it was restored and studied.

Other activities to celebrating the centennial landmark institution in Porto are scheduled for September, in a date to be announced, namely the lecture "Retratos Perfeitíssimos, o retoque na Fotografia Alvão", and on 9th October there will be a guided tour on Casa Alvão.

Casa Alvão, a sought-after destination by tourists from all around the world, is currently with its doors closed, owing to the pandemic. It combines photography insights (1st floor) and gastronomic products

Mind the CPF website for updates.