
Renowned photographers gather at the Invicta for Porto Photo Fest

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Looking for photography inspiration? Know that Porto Photo Fest happens between 11th and 14th October, an event that gathers famous photographers whose work is published in top magazines such as National Geographic, Time or Vogue.

Anna Gunn, event director states that "this festival is a sort of inspirational platform to photo creation and exhibition. The imaginary is limitless".

The activities' programme includes workshops, such as Saturday Sunset Shoot, to be held on 12th October, from 5pm till 8pm, guided by photojournalist David Hobby. The activity kicks-off at the Casa Tait Gardens, where a secret passage will lead to the "Caminhos do Romântico" ["Paths of the Romantic", free translation]. The main aim is to capture the stunning sunset at the Invicta.

Afterwards, there is a picnic and a wine tasting of Porto. The ticket costs 99€.

The festival also features pop-up exhibitions in different venues in Porto as well as debate panels with photographers Sara Lando, Andy Munford and David Hobby.

Porto is a vibrant and exciting city and the photo opportunities are endless. Learn form the best, from 11th to 14th October, in different venues all over town.

Prices vary according to the programme chosen.

See here for more information.