
Researchers from Porto devise flour out of olive, grape and tomato residues

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Veggyflours is the telling name of the project developed by four researchers from Catholic University of Porto (UCP), who are using tomato, grape and olive residues to create functional products that are unique, with high nutritional value and that can be applied in flours, loaves, seasoning, delicatessen and dairy products.

This project is the result of the work by researchers Manuela Pintado, Tânia Ribeiro, Marta Coelho and Joana Costa, of the faculty of Biotechnology (ESB) of UCP, whose main purpose is to suit consumers' needs, promoting their health and life quality.

Besides, they intend to contribute to the resolution of one of the most significant challenges within the Food Industry: accretion and improved management of by-products.

Quoted by Lusa, the researchers stated that "the point is to grow more diversified food, with fibre reinforcement and antioxidating protection", with by-products representative of vegetable crops with an impact in Portugal.

The antioxidant fibre concentrate meshes with the new food strategy "Going Full Circle" where waste food reduction and by-products reuse are valued by consumers.

This project is competing in the BIOTECH agrifood innovation Programme, sponsored by ESB-UCP, with the support of Portugal Foods Association and the National Association for Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) whose fundamental goal is to select innovative ideas for the food sector and to support its transformation in potential businesses.