

  • Article



Renato Cruz Santos

Sixty-four is the number of free shows that the city of Porto will offer from 22 March until 15 December, in the framework of the Municipal Programme Cultura em Expansão.

This current scenario was also possible, according to the Municipality, to the increase of partnerships in the area of cultural and recreational associations. The project is endowed with a budget of 300 thousand euros, 20 thousand more compared to last year, in line with the "Towards a model of cultural cohesion" policy. 

This year's programme shall be based on a three-level structure scheme, which will be presented at the auditorium of the parish council of Campanhã, in the Association of Pasteleira Torres Vermelhas and at the Auditorium Grupo Musical de Miragaia. These activities "will offer their cultural power and activities at a regular rhythm, taking on the role of small cultural centres within the city", explained Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto and in-charge of the Cultural Department of the city.

There will be a satellite programming scattered all over town, as well.

It is worth spotlighting that the activities programme offers scheduled performances every fortnight till December and on 12 April the highlight goes to the play inspired on the book by Virginia Woolf, Orlando, "Uma Recordação Imperfeita" ["An Imperfect Memory", free translation].

For full information of the Programme, please click here.