
Spin-off from University of Porto creates project plan to ensure citizens's data rights

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Filipa Brito

Experts from HealthySystems, spin-off from University of Porto, are developing a project plan to ensure citizens' fundamental right to data protection, jointly with AMA - Agency for Public Services Reform.

The fundamental goal is to create a pilot project related to electronic access to the Citizen's Portal, in the context of regulatory compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation and the need for the traceability of information.

According to the experts, "it is a kind of inviolable black box, which guarantees maximum traceability to data access to sensitive documents of all Portuguese citizens".

For Ricardo Correia, cofounder of HealthySystems and researcher at CINTESIS - Health care Research Centre, "these records will enable AMA to provide the necessary control mechanism to trace data access", in line with the European Data Protection Regulation.

Porto University Spin-off, HealthySystems is the only entity in the domestic market to provide IT security solutions, regarding sensitive and classified information.