
Spring School 2017 is held in Porto at Pestana Palácio do Freixo

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Filipa Brito

Spring School is an annual event that gathers all teams of Cité des Métiers, whose main objective is to share best practices and enhance professional skills of the Cité des Métiers' partners.

The city of Porto will host Spring School 2017, from March 29th, 30th and 31st, at Pestana Palácio do Freixo.

The Spring School 2017 is co-organized by Cidade das Profissões of Porto and Cité des Métiers de Limoges et du Limousin and this year's edition is themed "The City of Professions: The future reinvents itself every day".

The conference programme includes workshops, training sessions, pitch and debates, where more than a hundred delegates and professionals are expected to attend, coming from three continents, and the various cities that make up the network.

The main purpose of this initiative is to enhance and strengthen the cities that integrate this network, making them more qualified to better respond to the needs of their public.

The Cité des Métiers is a guidance and counselling service on professional life and the world of work, promoted by the City of Porto, through the Municipal Division of Promotion of Employability. 

Porto holds the presidency of the International Network of the Cité des Métiers since 2014.

Please click here to get more information on The Spring School 2017.